All Resources
Heart-Mind Online provides resources for families, educators and all others who care for and about children. You can search for the latest research, activities, interviews and more. You can search by theme (anxiety, empathy, friendship, etc) or you can browse all resources. You can also filter resources specifically for families or resources for educators.
133 Resources
Fostering Kindness and Empathy in Children and Youth
Turtle Time! A calming technique.
The Creativity Edge
Think Before You Act - The Development of Self-Control
Yoga in the Classroom
The Right Kind of Confidence
Dealing with Frustration
The Art of Praise: Encouraging “Resilient” Confidence
Lesson Plan: Create a Feelings Book
Research Links Music and Emotional Awareness
Mark Greenberg: The Key to Human Development
Adele Diamond: The most important thing to do as a parent.
Play Priority: A Bucket of Fun
Lesson Plan: How Are You Peeling?
Llama Llama Books
Play Outside